Health & Fitness Coaching - What Can You Really Achieve?
January, 2019
A healthy eating coach and a health and fitness trainer can really make a difference when it comes to achieving your diet and exercise goals.
Urban Fitness Solutions are qualified experts in health coaching, providing one-on-one personal training or group classes at a Sydney location near you.
Until not so long ago, there was a pretty narrow focus on taking care of our health. We might visit our GP for a particular problem, he or she would spend a maximum of 15 or maybe 20 minutes with us (if we were lucky) assessing our symptoms, and then decide on some remedies (often involving prescription medicine/s) to make our symptoms disappear.
As a GP, time is of the essence, because that’s the nature of their work. They don’t have the luxury to chat at length with us about our health habits or nutrition, our lifestyle and relationships, our stress levels or our living situation.
But not surprisingly, these are exactly the discussions that may keep us well and out of the doctor’s clinic to begin with.
Enter the Health and Fitness Coach…
Why engage with a professional Health and Fitness Coach?
The healthcare landscape is changing rapidly, and our diseases are changing as well. Acute diseases are now becoming outnumbered by chronic diseases that require long-term holistic care. Many of these diseases are underpinned by stress and inflammation, such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and depression. [1]
From a lifestyle perspective, we have become busier and more stressed than ever and we are expected to achieve more and more within shorter timeframes, leaving us little or no time to focus on health and wellbeing.
A Health and Fitness Coach can help you redesign your life so you’re able to achieve your health goals and prevent or manage disease through lifestyle and behavioural modifications. Everything from losing weight, to de-stressing and gaining energy, to improving your nutrition and helping you better manage mental and physical health conditions.
They achieve this by:
- Looking at your life holistically – A Health and Fitness Coach will consider all aspects of your life, from your fitness to diet, to your relationships and work situation, to stress levels, sleeping patters and your living environment. They understand the science behind true behaviour change and will help you focus on enhancing, preserving and maintaining health, and preventing illness.
- Providing support and helping you become self-reliant – Having a partner in wellness is often what you need to get you started on the path to better health, but the ultimate goal of a Health and Fitness Coach is to help you become self-reliant and to increase your motivation to adopt healthier habits and to maintain a lifestyle that fosters wellbeing in the long term, even when they’re not there.
- Taking a personalised approach – In health, it’s never a one-size -fits-all approach. Each person requires their own unique exercise and diet based on their body and current health status. A Health and Fitness Coach may recommend a specific diet and exercise program that serves your particular health and fitness goals.
- Helping you overcome barriers and retraining the way you think – a Health and Fitness Coach can work with you to diffuse anxieties and identify misconceptions that may be standing in the way of you reaching your goals. For example, they may help you view and manage external pressures, such as lack of time, in a new way, and help you better manage internal barriers, such as low self-esteem.
If you’ve set some goals around health improvement but need some guidance to help get you there, consider Health and Fitness Coaching.
Urban Fitness Solutions are professionals that provide healthy eating coaching and health and fitness training. We work with people 45 years and up to improve their health and wellbeing for the long term. Contact us today!
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